

My washing machine is playing up again. Last time it turned out to be a kid’s sock stuck in the pump. I suspect the same this time around. Damn. I managed to get a load of laundry done in it last night anyway, but… well, more of that later. Last night a storm-and-a-half raged across  ... [More]


In dreams

I had a couple of dreams over the weekend. It’s relatively unusual for me to remember the dreams I have, so here’s what I recall… Saturday night: I dreamt that I could see Leon and Claudia, the two cops from Lantana (which I watched on Saturday). They were undercover, pretending to be taxi drivers. I  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones


Took the kids up to the snow yesterday. As per usual it was a long hard drive, but well worth it for a couple of hours’ frolicking in the snow. My back was killing me when I got home, so I’m glad it’s only an annual excursion. We stopped off in Warburton on the way  ... [More]

Health Home life

More d’oh moments

My stupid thing per day count on Wednesday got up to 2. Or another way you could look at it was that I tested the effectiveness of a peeler and my front door lock, and found them both to be excellent in what they do. Firstly I was peeling potatoes. I’d just finished the last  ... [More]


D’oh moments

I had one of those "D’oh!" moments last Tuesday. I had a spare half hour, and went down to Ikea to get a rug. Well, okay, I actually wanted to look at a table, but it didn’t look all that great, so I ended up looking at rugs. Something to at least partially disguise the  ... [More]



On Friday night saw "Y Tu Mama Tambien" ("And your mother too"). Great stuff, highly recommended. A nice mix of humour, drama, sex, social commentary and gross jokes. (Glass of milk, anyone?) On Saturday the phone rang. The caller ID said it was Josh & Cathy’s number. I presumed it would be Josh… loud, brash  ... [More]


Food, glorious food

On Friday I had lunch at a Chinese restaurant down the street, as I often do when working in the city. I seriously need to improve my chopstick technique. Some of my Asian friends can pick up a pair of chopsticks and use them so easily to pick up even the smallest and most awkwardly  ... [More]



It’s Jeans For Genes Day today, which I’m guessing in some ways is a huge success, and in other ways, not. It’s a success in that a lot of people seem to know about it, and have worn jeans into work today. That’s great. It’s obviously a high profile event. But I reckon it’s not  ... [More]



Not much to report, other than that I had to work most of the weekend, which sucked more than … I was about to make a bad joke then, but maybe I won’t.


Mor(e) on mobiles

Some stupid bint in the office today has a phone that sounds like a fire alarm. Seriously, a slow crescendo "whooop" kind of sound. How fecking stupid is that. Thankfully she was only visiting. I don’t have anything against mobile phones per se. I have one myself. It’s just that an awful lot of people  ... [More]


If I’m found dead…

… then get the cops to look for the big Italian-looking bloke in the dark red old-model Commodore that I got into an argument with down the street this afternoon. Well I mean, what kind of moron stops right in the middle of a pedestrian crossing, behind banked up traffic going nowhere because of a  ... [More]


A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum

Last night we went to see the guy who is probably my favourite performer – Paul Kelly – and his band at the Forum Theatre. I have a number of promotional t-shirts of various designs, but PK is the only one who warrants two t-shirts in my collection. And his band shouldn’t be overlooked either  ... [More]