
Windows problems

I had problems with windows this week, both virtual (geeky) and actual (non-greeky). On Tuesday I decided to install some firewall software. With the current Bugbear mayhem, and various other nasties out there, and given my computer frequently gets left on and connected to the Net, I thought it was probably prudent to have some  ... [More]


American Bewdy!

I watched American Beauty last night. Well, that is, I watched some of it. I’d seen it before. Great movie. And Channel 9 were showing a remarkably enlightened attitude in their broadcast of it, leaving it in wide screen, and more importantly leaving all the swearing intact. Just a shame the commercials made it go  ... [More]


Drive off

I think I just saw a petrol drive-off. I was waiting in the queue for a bowser. To the left, obscuring the view of the shop bit of the petrol station, was a huge Coke truck. One of those Linfox ones with the sign on the back that says "You are passing another Fox", unless  ... [More]



The antenna guys came on Saturday. They were a startling and pleasing contrast to their esteemed colleagues at Foxtel. Being half owned by the semi-government-owned phone company probably doesn’t help Foxtel – their work practices are rife with public-service style practices. You want Foxtel connected? You have to be home on a weekday, and guarantee  ... [More]


Piccies and Foxtel

A bloke from The Bulletin has written a story about online diaries. And he hassled me for some information about them, apparently for no other reason that this thing has been running longer than most. That was last week. This week they asked me if they could take my photo for the article. Grr. That’s  ... [More]


Shut up!

I didn’t get much sleep last night. Shortly after I went to bed, I could hear a thumping bass line coming from somewhere. The music itself wasn’t very loud, but that thumping bass line was resonating through the building. Now, I’m all for thumping bass lines in principle, but 11:30 at night when I’m trying  ... [More]



Watched Twelve Monkeys on Friday night. It had been a few years since I’d seen it, and I’d forgotten enough of it that it was very interesting. The DVD has a documentary about its making which is almost as long as the movie itself, and is very interesting. Certainly not your average dull promotional pap.  ... [More]


Aliens turned off my alarm clock!

Last night as I went to bed, I’d swear I turned on my alarm clock and checked the time set on it: 7:20. I slept long and well. Then I woke. It was light. All was quiet except for the wind and rain outside. Too quiet for 7:20 on a Monday morning. Normally those brave  ... [More]

transport TV

Foxtel bad, Metcard good

Well Mr Foxtel came over yesterday to wire me up to a world of entertainment. Hey, wait a sec, that’s Foxtel’s slogan… but don’t they have problems with it also being Crown Casino’s slogan? Did both of them forget to trademark it? Have they agreed to share it? Anyway Mr Foxtel came over. He wanted  ... [More]

News and events

Collective consciousness

At 8:47am this morning as I was driving along, car headlights lit up along the road. Not all of them, by any means, but probably close to two-thirds of those that I passed. It was a simple, yet poignant reminder of September 11th last year, a gesture suggested by a local newspaper, which has been  ... [More]


Media explosion

I’m selling out to the mass media this week. The cold hand of corporate globalisation will be coming to my house. I’m getting cable TV connected on Thursday. Yes, Mr Foxtel is going to drop in and connect up cables, and it’ll be bye bye to shitty TV reception on 6 channels, and hello to  ... [More]


Quiet please

I found a teensy snippet of the train ticket I lost on Monday. It was in the washing machine, which is now working since J.E.H. (aka Mr Hoover) came and again removed the obstruction (1x kids’ sock) from the pump. I have already sent away my grovelling form for a ticket replacement, but I’ll hold  ... [More]