
Crossing Swanston Street

Mr Howard said he believed many Australians were "not feeling strongly either way at the moment" about potential war against Iraq. – The Age, 24/1/2003 Well I think if that were ever true, it’s changed in the last few weeks. In what could be a first, police and organisers were *not* an order of magnitude  ... [More]



An article in today’s paper takes a swipe at dating web sites, basically suggesting that the people who use them are either boring and/or weirdos, and that’s why they can’t meet anybody in real life. I think that’s a little unfair. Okay, I admit it, my view is probably a little skewed, especially today. I  ... [More]


My fridge is safe

My anti-terrorism brochure and magnet arrived in the mail yesterday. I have stuck the magnet to my fridge, and now feel alert, but not alarmed. Terrorists will have to go elsewhere if they want to steal any milk. It’s meant to go with the TV adverts – you know, the ones that sound like John  ... [More]



Josh and I rest on a couple of handily placed bollards, midway through a slightly exhausting hike in the Brisbane Ranges National Park. This morning I woke up disgustingly early, to meet up withJosh, Cathy and Pete to go hiking. I met up with them around 7:30 and we squeezed into Pete’s car for the  ... [More]



I had a couple of vivid dreams the other night. My dreams are pretty far and few between, so here goes a description. One was that I was house hunting, and to do this, was riding through my neighbourhood on a kind of go-kart thing. No motor, just powered by pedals. The terrain was much  ... [More]

News and events

My weekend

Well now, I’ve had a pretty shithouse weekend, how about you? Actually judging from the news, the world hasn’t gone too well this weekend. It’s been a shocking few days. On Friday there was the Waterfall train crash near Sydney, which left eight people dead. This morning I woke up to find the space shuttle  ... [More]

East Gippsland 2003

Going home

Enough of this living in a tent, time to go home. We packed up everything back into the car, and just after being told there was another snake in the vicinity, drove out. Back onto the highway, with a few diversions to Cape Conran (stunning beach), Marlo (more stunning scenery, and a pub lunch), Orbost  ... [More]

East Gippsland 2003


Mallacoota Up the road yet again and out of Cann River, we zoomed up along the highway towards New South Wales. The roads on the Victorian side of the border had been pretty much clear of roadkill – at least I hadn’t noticed any. But I was able to count the number of dead animals  ... [More]

East Gippsland 2003


My sandals at Wingan beach. I hope to sell this picture to the Birkenstock company for millions and millions of dollars. We drove toWingan Inlet, which involved the 45 minute drive back up to Cann River, 18km along the highway, then another hour or so down a very rough road which got exceedingly narrow in  ... [More]

East Gippsland 2003

Meuller and Hicks

Goanna in the campsite, looking for food. The wheel on the right is a bicycle wheel. I think it wanted to have a ride. My back was killing me when I awoke. Lesson one when camping: don’t buy a cheapie sleeping mat. A morning walk along the beach cured it, and I was able to  ... [More]

East Gippsland 2003

Welcome to the camp

Pelican, Lakes Entrance So, the adventure began. Saturday night I packed all my stuff up. Clothes, sleeping mat, sleeping bag, towel, bathers, torch… a whole bunch of stuff, in fact. C arrived in the hired four-wheel drive just after 8am, and we set out. First stop Sale, to fill up with petrol and pick up  ... [More]

East Gippsland 2003


On Friday night I went to Paddy Pallin to buy a backpack in preparation for next week’s camping trip with C. Sorry, a travelpack to be precise. Apparently this is the correct term in the travel world. I have borrowed a couple of different backpacks over the years. The first one was owned by one  ... [More]