
Weekend of living relatively safely

Winter must be on its way – for the first time this year I saw some bloke in Lonsdale Street actually wearing a scarf on Friday night. A real scarf that is, not just a footy scarf. I didn’t think it was that cold. But maybe he was on his way to an all-night candlelit  ... [More]


What did I tell ya?

9:45am. You know what’s funny? This morning as I left, three blokes were snooping around the car park, obviously planning what havoc they can wreak during the forthcoming renovations. What walls they can knock down without the whole place falling down, etc. And parked outside? A BMW, of course. 4:08pm. Mr Speakerphone is at it  ... [More]


Beamers beamers everywhere

I got home on Monday afternoon to find wall-to-wall BMWs parked outside. Which could only mean one thing: inspection time. My landlady is bowing out of the real estate game. Evidently at 81 years old she has better things to do with her time and money. A fair bit of money apparently – a word  ... [More]


Old bag

The major supermarket chains are engaged in a new battle – to reduce the number of plastic bags issued. A laudable goal, certainly – the reduction of land fill and hazards to animals are worthwhile benefits. My local supermarket has risen to the challenge in a number of ways. On those little conveyor belt divider  ... [More]


My hilarious office

Why is it that the guy with a corner office next to me is also the loudest guy on the floor? I mean, even when measured from outside his office. Loud music has been my saviour in the past few, deadline filled, stressful weeks. If I put my ear plugs in and pump up the  ... [More]



Twelve years ago a bloke in Sydney and I conspired on a cartoon about the last Gulf War. It seems timely to dig it out again now.


The weekend of living dangerously

The theme of the clash of western vs. (other) culture continued for me on Sunday night when I watched The Year Of Living Dangerously on DVD. Why this movie? Well, because it turns out that my Dad knows the author, Christopher Koch. And (wait for this) Koch apparently admitted when it was pointed out to  ... [More]

News and events

The war entry

As I think about world events, and look through my diary entries for this month, it occurs to me how self-absorbed I might seem. This is not really the case – at least I hope it isn’t, though I’m not about to use this an excuse to launch into a 3000 word study on how  ... [More]


Portent of doom

Age Green Guide, 20/3/2003. Why is it whenever I get hooked on a show, they take it off air? (The Sopranos finished this week, too) If ever a portent of doom from the impending war appeared, it was yesterday’s weather around Victoria. Bymid afternoon a huge duststorm blanketed much of the state, providing an almost  ... [More]


The anticool

Well I told all the people at the blog meetup tonight that I’d post this. So I’d better do so. A message to the bloke sitting opposite me on the train this morning: Hey mate, you may find it effortless to look terminally cool sitting there, but it all went out the window when you  ... [More]



I’m not feeling too crash hot today. The soreness from Saturday’s walk has just about worn off (and leaves me thinking that in future more regular, gentler exercise is needed to gear up for such a full-on experience). But it’s mostly the remnants of last night. There’s two reasons one might be clutching their stomach,  ... [More]


Up and down mountains

I woke up yesterday morning to find that only half the newspaper had arrived. The newsagent lady said that they’ve had other sightings of the newspaper thief prime suspect. I really must get my film developed and hand over the photo. Anyway I met up with Josh and Pete and we drove to a spot  ... [More]