Home life

Seeking Peter

Someone from a finance company in Sydney kept ringing for a Peter somebody, leaving messages on my answering machine. Despite me ringing back and leaving messages on theirs saying there was no Peter here, every few weeks there’d be another call. The last about a week ago sounded… well, a little ominous. Excerpt from answering  ... [More]

Home life

I love my central heating

The wintry weather appeared to show up right about when we went off summer time last weekend. Last night I turned on my central heating for the very first time. After a few minutes the chill was gone. Ditto this morning — it send the temperature from very cold to a pleasant 20 degrees. I’ve  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Doctor Hugo

The Doctor Who stories “Dalek”, “Father’s Day” and “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” make up three of the seven nominees for this year’s Hugo Award for best dramatic presentation (short form). Oddly, the Wallace & Gromit movie got nominated in the long form section. The Hugos are for sci-fi and fantasy, which I suppose covers  ... [More]

Home life

Boys will be boys

In the misty-eyed view of my childhood, us neighbourhood kids got up to all sorts of mischief in the rear carparks and alleyways behind the flats where we lived. There was no DVD/VCR, there was no computer or XBox. In the early days there wasn’t even any Nintendo Game And Watch. There was Lego, but  ... [More]

Home life


The other morning I woke about 6am to an unfamiliar sound: rustling, coming from somewhere to the left of my bed. I lay there in the darkness, trying to figure out what it could be. It wasn’t the kids getting up. It wasn’t outside (the window is on the right). Having caught a cockroach in  ... [More]

News and events

April Fool’s!

Google Romance — dating. HP had an advert for Scratch’n’sniff servers in The Age. The Age on Helen Demidenko taking up a career as a lawyer. Is this an April Fool’s Day story? BBC says airlines have banned a Swedish fish-flavoured drink. Any others? (Pranks last year. My 2004 prank.) PS. 4pm. Wikipedia has a  ... [More]


Just buy the CD, old man

Tickets for the Ben Harper concert have suffered from a similar fate as Belle & Sebastian: The concert is on a “school night” plus expensive at $79.95 plus booking fee equals Stuff it, just buy the CD, old man. (And wait to see if they schedule a second concert on a better night.)


Personal branding

Speaking of branding, what about personal branding, eg your name? Perhaps in the western world it’s not really an issue for most men, though I was born Daniel Quinlem, changing to my mother’s maiden name, Bowen, when she divorced. I have the option of changing back, but don’t really want to, partly because it’s hard  ... [More]

If Daniel was emperor of the world music

Number one

For a while earlier this month one of the hot email memes going around was a Number One In History web site, though it’s been taken offline now. Happily there’s another site which is online, and even better, it can tell you the number one hits in Australia, the USA and the UK. Like many  ... [More]

Consumerism transport

The value of branding

I’m no marketing expert, but even I know that branding is a powerful and valuable thing. If you’ve got a well-established brand, you have to be careful if you tweak it or change it. As far as possible, you’d have to make the transition as smooth as possible, for your users/customers, including the once-a-year ones.  ... [More]

News and events Sport

Bye bye Games

Bye bye to the Commonwealth Games. I’m not normally that enthused by sport, but going to see the athletics at the MCG enthused me somewhat. I also saw the big fish thingies on the Yarra on Friday night, and enjoyed wandering amongst the big crowds. I watched some of the TV coverage, and noted that  ... [More]

Consumerism Home life


When I was growing up, we always used Redhead matches, made at the Bryant and May factory in Richmond. I don’t honestly know back then if there were any other brand matches available. Manufacturing has gone to Sweden (half-surprised they haven’t been renamed “Blondes”) but I’ve kept buying them. I think the quality is dropping  ... [More]