Home life

Things I need to do tonight

Things I have to do tonight: Tidy up the damn place. Do the (non-dishwasher) dishes. Run a quick errand down the street. Done Figure out how to get that burn off the bottom of my nice Le Creuset enamel pot. (Been postponing that for about two weeks.) Go to the supermarket and get some milk,  ... [More]


Too busy

Took the day off today, but was too busy to blog. Back tomorrow hopefully. PS. Thursday morning: Here’s why.


Quick easy dinner

My favourite cold-night dining-alone dinner is soup with toast. Perhaps one of those nice Heinz spicy lentil soups; perhaps pumpkin; perhaps tomato. Heat it up in the saucepan, chuck a slice of bread in the toaster, and eat. Exceptionally low effort, quick, yummy, warming, and healthyish.

Home life

Busy Sunday

Sometimes Sundays are lazy; I spend most of the day just sitting around the house doing nothing. Not yesterday. A series of events — some planned, some not — had me running around like a maniac. Walking a dog, driving across town, rushed buying of a birthday present and unrelated card, down to Southland not  ... [More]

Home life

The clone of my house… almost

Near where I used to live in Glen Huntly is the very first house that the now-huge AV Jennings corporation ever built. I seem to recall it’s a brick Californian Bungalow. It certainly doesn’t look like the off-the-plan McMansion-type residences they’re probably better known for building now. Neither had I thought of my house as  ... [More]

Video games Working life


Bizarre thought #574: In the building where I work, there’s a security guard who is sometimes seen wandering about the place. He looks kind of top-heavy, like he’s got a lot of upper-body muscle. For some reason it reminds me of an old video game I once had back on my Commodore 64: Ultima II,  ... [More]


It’s time to move

Up for a little light reading on why public transport is important, and what needs to be done to make it better? The government is coming out with its Transport & Liveability Statement next week, but in the mean time, the PTUA’s book from 2002 “It’s Time To Move” is now available for download as  ... [More]

Home life


The rustling sound was back the other night, louder than before. I couldn’t spot anything. But around 6am this morning I heard the familiar noise of vermin doing calisthenics in the roof. And I found a tiny little beetle clinging to the wall in my room. Haven’t spotted any other insect life in quite a  ... [More]

books music

Dan Brown vs iPods

Word on the street is that if you want to see any movies, do so this weekend, because by the following weekend they’ll have all been swept away by blanket screenings of the bloody Da Vinci Code. On the train, which do you think there’s more of? Dan Brown books, or iPods? Dan Brown books  ... [More]

driving Politics and activism

Bloody car

My bloody car is still playing up, despite a service the other week that included an astronomically expensive ultrasound on the fuel injection! Given that that was prompted by reporting the same fault it’s still suffering, what are my statutory rights here? Anyway it’s been at the service place since last night (so they can  ... [More]

Home life

Did I? Didn’t I?

Oh, great. The central heating is now my new “Did I leave the oven on?” stress. Worried about that all morning. Not that anything would happen if it was left on all day. Apart from the house burning down and a huge gas bill, of course. (Got home to find it was, in fact, off.)  ... [More]



During the week I often only get about 7 hours of sleep. Usually this is okay. I might feel tired, but don’t particularly feel the need for a daytime siesta. On Friday night I got almost 9 hours. On Saturday night I got 10 and a half. It was good to catch up, mind you  ... [More]